After making them, I decided that Kevin at Closet Cooking must be a super culinary genius. The perfect-looking pancakes on his blog are either the result of a thousand tries or mad talent. Judging from the rest of Kevin's blog, I'm going to go with mad talent.
Because I wanted Steve to actually eat these pancakes, I used canned pumpkin instead of the delicata squash I had in the fridge (Steve has an aversion to all things squash, except canned pumpkin). Canned pumpkin is usually in our village store in the fall. It's also available at Wal-Mart in Anchorage when we do our annual shopping trip.

The pumpkin batter is topped with a cinnamon-sugary butter mixture. Not looking too bad at this point, but...

flipping is where the disaster part came in. Steve is usually an excellent pancake flipper. We're not sure what went wrong with these. Steve called them roadkill pancakes.

One victory of the meal was the caramel cream cheese frosting. I used Kevin's caramel sauce recipe, and per his instructions, mixed it with some cream cheese. The caramel sauce itself was so yummy that Steve was eating it out of the pan with a wooden spoon. True story
We didn't bother drizzling the frosting over the pancakes in an artful manner because at this point, we weren't going for aesthetically pleasing. We smeared the frosting on with a spoon. And it was delicious that way. Like eating pumpkin cake for breakfast.
Verdict: Delicious recipe worth making again, even if the final product isn't at beautiful as we'd hoped!