Friday, September 16, 2011

Adam's Teriyaki Chicken

The credit for this recipe goes to Steve's cousin Adam.  The recipe is famous in the family, and just about everybody makes it.


Here are the ingredients for the marinade.  Measurements given at the end of the post.


Mix all of the ingredients together and pour into a ziploc bag with slices of chicken (I like thighs best, but this time I used chicken breast).  Marinate overnight.  You can get away with marinating for just a couple of hours if you need to..


Heat sesame oil in a skillet on medium heat and cook some onions until they start to get soft.


Add the chicken to the hot skillet.  (I toss the marinade in the skillet with the chicken and onions.  Some people prefer to drain the marinade and make a fresh batch for the sauce.  Do whatever makes you happy).  Look how dark the chicken looks.  It's soaked up all of the teriyaki goodness.  Yummy!  Cook until the chicken is halfway done.

(If you want the sauce to be thick, now is a good time to add some extra corn starch.  Consider mixing it with some of the teriyaki liquid before adding it to the skillet.)


This is my own addition to the recipe.  Baby bok choy.  I get it sometimes in my Full Circle Farm box.  


Roughly tear the baby bok choy and add it to the skillet.  Cover the skillet, but leave it on the burner.  This lets the bok choy steam and the chicken finish cooking. 


Everything is done when the chicken is no longer pink in the middle.  Serve over rice.

Adam's Teriyaki Chicken

1-1/2 lbs chicken, cut into thin pieces
3/4 cup Water 
1/2 cup soy sauce 
1 cup brown sugar

1/8 tsp ground ginger
1 Tbsp cornstarch
2 cloves of garlic, minced or grated
1 Tbsp sesame oil.

baby bok choy
sesame oil

Mix the water, soy sauce, brown sugar, ginger, cornstarch, garlic, and sesame oil together and pour into a ziploc bag with slices of chicken.  Marinate overnight (or at least 2-3 hours).  

Heat sesame oil in a skillet on medium heat and cook some onions until they start to get soft.  Add the chicken to the hot skillet.  Cook until the chicken is halfway done.  Roughly tear the baby bok choy and add it to the skillet.  Cover the skillet, and leave it on the burner.

Everything is done when the chicken is no longer pink in the middle.  Serve over rice.

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